College Application Essays

The college essay is your greatest opportunity to show the admissions staff who you are and what you care about. A great essay can paint a picture for them, more than grades or extracurriculars can, of what kind of student and community member you will be on their campus. Ideally, after reading your essay, they will feel they know you. 

Your essay should be memorable, resonating with your own voice and point of view. It also needs to be honest, written with vulnerability and heart.

But for most people, even choosing a topic is intimidating. Sometimes the things that make you special are things you take for granted and barely see. It can be helpful to work with an impartial coach who can listen closely, reflect what makes you unique, and advise you on what topics are most compelling.

Once you know your topic, writing in your own authentic voice when the pressure is on can be difficult. How do you write an essay that showcases your intelligence but is also warm and accessible, not too forced or formal? A good coach will tell you when your writing sounds most like yourself in the best way.

Then of course just when you think you’re almost done, word limits usually require an intensive edit, where every word counts. Editing is an art, and takes skill. A great coach will help ensure the heart and soul of your essay stays strong.

How I Can Help

First, know that you can do this. Every single person I have worked with, no matter how stuck or lost they felt at beginning, has been able to identify life experiences that end up making superb essays. I love helping people find these special experiences in their own life, whether they are monumental events or subtle shifts, and recognize how much they have learned and grown.

I support first by listening to you and reflecting back what I hear. Then, by paying close attention to what you write and how you speak on the page. Then, by helping you edit it all down so it is packed with power and not a word is wasted. My goal is that you emerge from the process with an essay you are proud of and also with a new appreciation for yourself.

I most often provide comprehensive support for the whole writing process, starting with brainstorming essay topics all the way through the final edit. This usually starts with several personal conversations by phone where you tell me about yourself and we talk about what essay topics are the strongest for you, given what the rest of your application expresses and what we feel best completes the picture of who you are as a person. Then we talk through how to structure your first draft, and you write it. After that, we exchange emails with edit suggestions and notes, and we have occasional phone calls as needed until you arrive at a final draft ready to submit. I am available to you for unlimited phone calls and edits until your essay is complete.

I also provide less comprehensive support for people who have already completed part of the process. If you have picked a topic, or even have started writing, I can jump in to help you through the tough spots.

For anyone who has a final draft in hand and wants a professional review before submitting, I provide a one-time read with editing suggestions.

If you are struggling with your essay or stressing about it, please consider using a coach for support. Contact me to set up a free consultation to explore how I can help.


Full essay support, from brainstorming through the final draft (unlimited hours): $1,300

Brainstorming only: $500

Outlining structure only: $500

Editing support only: $500

One-time read and review: $200.

(Please note: Scholarships are available for students whose families qualify for their school’s free/reduced meal program. Please email me to discuss.)

Some tips for essay writing:

If you are having trouble coming up with a topic, try these approaches:

  1. Looking at the rest of your application — academic record, extracurriculars, and recommendations — what is missing from the picture they paint of you? What is the crucial information about who you are that does not appear anywhere else in your application?

  2. It’s valuable to show that you are resilient and able to learn and grow from difficulty. Think about one or two of your most difficult experiences, and how they have changed you. Focus on what you have learned. 

  3. Ask family and close friends what they love most about you and what makes you unique. More powerful yet, ask them to help you identify your most challenging moments, and talk about how they have changed you.

Hint: Look for essay topics where you feel genuinely excited to write, and places to add a bit of humor when appropriate. That may let you know you’re on the right track.

If you are having trouble writing in your own voice:

Try speaking into a voice recorder and transcribing it. You can even do this while talking with a family member or friend, to help it feel natural. Your transcription can become your first draft.